Top tips from The Vet on how to prevent your pets being scared on Bonfire Night

Veterinary nurse Stephanie HoweVeterinary nurse Stephanie Howe
Veterinary nurse Stephanie Howe
Many pets are terrified of Bonfire Night, rendering their owners feeling helpless to comfort them. Here are some top tips from registered veterinary nurse Stephanie Howe to help minimise your pet’s stress and fear.


Create a comfortable and quiet den. Fill it with toys, a blanket and something of yours for familiarity and let them get used to it for a couple of weeks before November 5.

November 5 daytime

Exercise and feed your pets before it gets dark. After they’ve been to the toilet, securely lock cat and dog flaps. Once dark, shut your doors and windows, close curtains and put on the TV or radio. If possible, bring rabbit hutches, cages etc. indoors or into the garage and fill them with extra bedding. Inside or out, cover cages with thick blankets ensuring adequate ventilation.

During the fireworks

Take your pet to their safe den and leave them to self-settle and behave normally and calmly, especially if the pet becomes distressed because fussing confirms their fear. Once your pet is calm, praise and treat them, play gentle games, puzzles and offer food toys.


For extremely anxious pets, there are medications and Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP) diffusers which are best started a couple of weeks beforehand. For advice on medication and more information, pop into our clinic.


The Vet provides walk-ins Monday-Friday mornings and appointments 7 days a week and specialises in offering leading pet care in a tate-of-the-art 5,000 sq ft purpose-built clinic. Click here to register or call (023) 9421 7644 to book a consultation.