Circolo Pizzeria, Southsea | Restaurant review

Circolo at Southsea. Picture: Google MapsCircolo at Southsea. Picture: Google Maps
Circolo at Southsea. Picture: Google Maps
Pizza – an absolute staple of menus across the country, whether they are Italian or not. Invented in 10th century Southern Italy, it is as much part of British cuisine as fish and chips.

But because it’s so readily available now, pizza seems to have lost its pizzazz.

I mean, you can pick up a decent Margherita from the Co-op nowadays, and have a spicy chicken feast delivered to your door day or night on the back of a moped.

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So for a pizza to stand out, it has to be really good and I’ve heard Circolo Pizzeria is the place to go. It looks pretty promising when I search Google and am greeted by four-and-a-half gleaming stars. Expectations are high.

Amid storm madness – who knows which one – my companion and I battle gales to get to Circolo on Osborne Road, Southsea.