Brian Kidd has sorted your weekend gardening jobs

It's easy to re-generate your lawn according to Brian Kidd.It's easy to re-generate your lawn according to Brian Kidd.
It's easy to re-generate your lawn according to Brian Kidd.
Start sowing your new lawn.Â

This is the last time to sow grass seed for a new lawn so try to get it done before October because grass seed germinates well whilst the ground is warm and damp. Put 1lb of good quality grass seed to 10lbs of moistened seed compost and mix well. Place in a black polythene bag for a week to chit the seeds. Prick over the grass with a digging fork and then scatter over the chitted seed and compost and water afterwards. This amount will repair about five square yards. Give Autumn Bliss raspberries a liquid potash feed if there are lots of green berries and flowers. The flowers will provide ripe fruits in four weeks time. Plant daffodils, Chionodoxa, Scilla, Iris Reticulata and Anemone Blanda '“ these will give us something to look forward to in the spring. Hoe through wallflower plants because chickweed quickly smothers the wallflower plants at this time of year. Remove runners on newly planted strawberry plants or layer them into three inch diameter pots if you would like more. Pot up strawberry plants for your greenhouse. Loamless compost is not suitable, much better results are achieved using John Innes Three compost. The plants must remain outside in the cold until the end of January to prepare them for the greenhouse. Sow seeds of Larkspur in little patches where they are to flower. They are perfectly hardy. Choose a sunny area in well drained soil.