Southsea Green with patron Pat Brain

Southsea GreenSouthsea Green
Southsea Green
No matter the size of your plot or garden, this is the time to sit in your armchair and go through your seed catalogues.

I've been ill and in hospital so unable to visit many gardens, but I've lots of enthusiasm and ideas for 2019. I've bought my first pink daffodils which may horrify some, but I'm keen to see them in my daffodil collection. Another first is scented tulips which I will bring into the house.

I've sheltered my camellias and fed them coffee grounds. I've filled hanging baskets with pansies for colour and prepared for winter, not forgetting the bird seed and meal worms. I've put a hedgehog house in a sheltered spot and will leave a little dried cat food out for them. Hope the winter isn't too horrendous!

Best wishes for the new year and many happy gardening hours in 2019.'‹'‹'‹