LETTER OF THE DAY: Special Forces would deal with our crime rate

Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local GovernmentsSajid Javid, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Governments
Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Governments
So it emerges that the now Home Secretary Sajid Javid was mugged in London by a moped gang who stole his mobile phone (I do hope that there was not any national secrets stored on it).

Javid is now calling for reform to tackle this crime which, up until now, has only had lip service paid to it.

It would appear that it is not until something happens to one of their own that any action is even considered. Taking that into account, do we have to wait until one or more of the government members gets stabbed?

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Do we have to wait until some of their children get groomed by Asian gangs to be abused, or some of them wander into no-go areas and don’t come out, or some of them are beaten to a pulp by a burglar in their homes, before any action is taken on this crime wave sweeping our country?

The government will have you believe that overall crime is down. But is not, it’s the way that crime is reported that allows the figures to be massaged.

Theresa May states that she is going to give police the powers to fight this crime, but in most cases the powers are already in place.

Is she so thick that she fails to see that it is police numbers that are short, which stops them enforcing the law?

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Maybe the time has come to put Special Forces on our streets to prevent crimes taking place in the beginning and leave what ever we have remaining of our police service to investigate crime.

The Special Forces could be given the powers to break up known gangs using whatever means they deemed necessary, and be visible on our streets with a written guarantee that they will not face prosecution at a later date.

It’s time to get tough before it’s too late.

R H Abberley

Sapphire Close, Gosport