CHIPPER CLUB: Looking dapper in my special pink collar at the Race for Life

PICTURE: Habibur Rahman PPP-170907-180059006PICTURE: Habibur Rahman PPP-170907-180059006
PICTURE: Habibur Rahman PPP-170907-180059006
Greetings Chipsters everywhere! As you may remember reading last week, mum and I took part in the Race for Life in Southsea on Sunday, to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

We were taking part because my auntie Sally has been poorly, and doing things like Race For Life helps people like auntie Sally get better again.

We arrived bright and early and there were thousands of people there, all wearing pink vests. Mum had a pink vest too, and she had bought me a pink collar especially for the race – I must say that I looked rather dapper in it.

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First of all we did our warm-up – mum says that you must do stretches before going for a run because if you don’t, you can pull a muscle – ouch!

I also had a big bowl of water before the run because it’s important to keep hydrated and it was so hot outside.

Next thing I knew I heard the buzzer, and we were off! We had five kilometers to run, and we had a flying start.

It was quite a challenge for me to keep up with mum, but before long we had run three kilometres.

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It was going great, but then I started to feel very hot and exhausted. I didn’t know whether I was going to be able to finish the race, and I didn’t want to slow mum down. Then I saw Paul the Pug and my best friend Brindley Milligan at the side of the track.

‘Go on, Chipper!’ shouted Paul. ‘You can do it, you’re nearly there!’

Brindley added: ‘Paul’s right, we believe in you, Chip!’

With their help I managed to run the rest of the race, and I was rewarded at the end with a big biscuit. I felt very proud to have run, but I was totally chipped out!

Did you or someone you know take part in the Race for Life? Let me know.

Chip chip for now, your old friend Chipper.